Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Joni Wilson Sitepu

Joni Wilson Sitepu 071188830017. The influence of assembling of teaching strategy and thinking process of communicative competence of junior high schools at mathematic at 2008/2009.
The purposes of this research are: (1) Knowing and describing the ability of students at mathematic by using interactive and expository teaching strategy. (2) knowing communicative competence of students at mathematic that have conceptual thought process and sequential thought process, and (3) knowing the interaction between teaching and thinking process of communicative competence of students at mathematic.
The population of this research is the VII grade of junior high schools at pematangsiantar 2008/2009. The sample of research is 100 students spread in classVII.1 and VII.3, SMP Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar, Class VII.1 and VII.5 SMP Negeri 7 Pematangsiantar, Class VII.1 for each schools using teaching interactive strategy mean while class VII.3 and VII.5 in each schools using teaching expository strategy. This technique is used by cluster random sampling. The instrument of research is used for to measure the communicative competence of students by giving them 5 items in essay test with coefficient reliability 0,506. Collecting data of communicative competence of students in 5 essay test given. Before use the analysis technique it is better for us to check the analysis conditions, they are normality and homogeneity data. Normality test can be proved by Liliefors test and homogeneity can be proved by Bartlett test. Analysis technique data is Anava two strips at significant α = 0, 05. That continue with Scheffe test.
From research result gain: (1) Students that teach with interactive strategy as whole get communicative competence at mathematic at range = 74,60 is higher than students that teach with expository strategy with range = 69,59, F count = 4,933 > F table = 2,70. (2) the communicative competence students at mathematic with conceptual thought ( = 79,52 ) is higher than students with sequential thought ( = 67,00 ) to F count = 19,908 > F table > 2,70 and (3) there is instruction between teaching strategy and students thought process in giving influence to communicative competence of students that range F count = 13,51 > F table = 2,70. From this analysis data we conclude that generally the communicative competence student at mathematic related to interactive strategy is higher than students with expository strategy. If we look from students characteristic. The communicative competence of students with conceptual thought is higher than sequential thought. For students with sequential thought is suitable with expository Method while conceptual for students with conceptual thought related to interactive process. Implication of this research is especially for mathematic teacher. Absorbing teaching strategy to students should be considered to students thought.

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