Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Glory Indira

Glory Indira Diana 071188830013, Application of Cooperative Learning Strategies Type STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisioni) to Increase Math Problem Solving Ability Students. Thesis Study Programs Postgraduate Mathematics Education State University of Medan. 2010.

The purpose of this study are: (1) describe the achievement levels of mathematical problem-solving abilities of students taught with cooperative learning strategies oriented type STAD and problems ekspositori learning strategies, (2) describe the activity levels of students taught with cooperative learning STAD-oriented type of problem, (3) describe the response of students to the type STAD cooperative learning-oriented issues, (4) describe the pattern of answers that students taught with cooperative learning-oriented type STAD and learning problems ekspositori.
The main problem in this research is: Is there a significant difference in mathematical problem solving skills between students taught using cooperative learning strategies oriented type STAD problems with students who are taught using the learning strategies students ekspositori on the subject of Linear Equations System of Two Variables ? So the hypothesis in this study is "There are significant differences in terms of problem solving skills, the students taught using cooperative learning strategies oriented type STAD problems than students who use learning strategies ekspositori"
This research was conducted experimental studies in junior high school of Serdang RK Lubuk Pakam Pure and Junior High School 2 Lubuk Pakam. The selection of samples used as the experimental group and control group carried out at random (random sampling). Variables in this research is the application of cooperative learning-oriented type STAD and learning problems ekspositori as independent variables, whereas the dependent variable (dependent variable) is a mathematical problem-solving abilities of students.
Instruments used in this study are: (1) problem-solving ability test, (2) pieces of the observation activities of students, (3) surveys of students' responses. While learning devices used are: (1) Learning Plan (RP), (2) Student Activity Sheets (LAS). Problem solving tests using the test description with emphasis on solving problems Polya.
The data in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential analysis. Descriptive Analasis intended to describe the results of students' problem-solving skills, student activities, and student response to learning. While inferential statistical analysis is used to see if there are significant differences that dalm problem solving skills between students taught with cooperative learning strategies with type STAD taught students with learning strategies ekspositori.
The results showed that: (1) there are significant differences in terms of problem-solving skills among students who received the type STAD cooperative learning-oriented issues than students who have learning ekspositori, where the type STAD cooperative learning can further improve mathematical problem-solving abilities of students compared with eskpositori learning. (2) student activity type STAD cooperative learning is an effective problem-oriented learning in which students with type STAD cooperative learning-oriented issues are more active in class than students who studied with ekspositori learning. (3) student response to the components and activities tips STAD cooperative learning is positive.

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