Senin, 07 September 2009


Aguswati Gulo 071188830002, The application of the Strategy REACT To increase the Understanding of the Student to Function Material in the Class XI the Country SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Kutapanjang, Kabupaten Gayo Lues of the Lesson Year 2008/2009

Realises the importance of the role of mathematics in all science today prosecuted the teacher to supply the skills student who could answer the available problem. And the reality that the presentation of the lesson that was carried out by the teacher in the school still was traditional where the rare student in gave the opportunity to find/ Constructive personally the concepts or mathematical knowledge formally. So was needed by a strategy The presentation of the lesson the student who could play an active role formed/Constructive personally his knowledge and the teacher only as the motivator and the facilitator.
This research agreeing the application the presentation of the lesson the REACT strategy in an effort to increase the understanding of the student to function material. This research had a purpose to know how; (a) the process The presentation of the lesson with the application of the REACT strategy to function material, (b) the response and the activity of the student to the strategy The presentation of the lesson REACT, (c) results studied the student by using the REACT strategy. This research kind was the research of the class action by using the qualitative approach. The research was carried out to the Negeri 1 Kutapanjang Kabupaten Gayo Lues SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. The subject in this research was the class student XI.IS-2 the Negeri SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 Kutapanjang (totalling 32 students). The research data was received from results of the test, results of the interview, the field note, results of observation and the poll about the student's response. With the action hypothesis; The application of the REACT strategy with the grouping of the student was based on the academic capacity to be able to increase the understanding of the student to function material in the class of XI SMA.. Apart from could increase the understanding to material well, the student also could Applied in the everyday life and transferred in the context of other mathematics that was connected with the concept of the function. The stage presentation of the lesson the REACT strategy was as follows; (1) the beginning Stage: the teacher sent the aim the presentation of the lesson, motivated the student, reminded prerequisite material that was linked with the function, that is: the diagram of the bow, the diagram cartesius, the couple was in order, multiplication of the product cartesius, and the understanding of the relations, and explained the task and the student's responsibility in the group. The REACT component that emerged in this stage was cooperating and relating. ( (2) the core Stage: the activity of the student in this stage was the activity and the presentation of the report of the group's discussions produced by discussions. The student worked in the group that consisted of 5 or 6 students to understand function material. Results of the work of the further group were presented in front of the class and were responded to by the other group. The role of the teacher in the core activity was as the facilitator and the motivator. To help the student, the teacher provided the Sheet of the Work of the Student (LKS) that contained the REACT component. to LKS the I action, Ii and III the student could understand function material well. The REACT component that emerged in this stage was relating, experiencing, cooperating, applying and transferring. (3) the end Stage: the teacher guided the student to making the knot. Further the teacher held the evaluation through the test wrote to see the command against material that was studied.

This research consisted of the I cycle, Ii, and III. Each one the cycle was carried out in one meeting time for 90 minutes. In the I cycle and Ii the student was grouped was based on the close friend whereas in the cycle of the three students was grouped was based on the academic capacity. from results of the implementation of the I cycle, was received by the activity of the student still was apparently tense or not all that familiar, still had the more inactive student and studying results in the first cycle still many students that the accessibility of his studying results in general 72%. The cycle of the two activities of the student has begun appeared no longer was tense but quite enthusiastic to carry out his task, and the student was more active in proposed his opinion, and results studied the student in the second cycle better than the first cycle with in general the score of his accessibility 74 %. in the III cycle, the activity of the student has been very equitable and very enthusiastic to join the activity The presentation of the lesson in his group and results of the end test showed in general 78%. Was based on the research could be concluded that: (a) the grouping the student heterogeneously with the grouping was based on the academic capacity to be able to increase the understanding of the student to function material. (b) the student's response to The presentation of the lesson function material with the REACT strategy very positive and the student said happy followed The presentation of the lesson the function with the REACT strategy, apart from the student could receive the understanding that was good towards function material and the student could connect his knowledge with other mathematical material, ( c) The presentation of the lesson could with the REACT strategy increase the understanding of the student to function material from results of the implementation the cycle I, II and III with the percentage in general the receipt of the score 76%.

Keyword: the REACT Strategy, the Understanding and Fungsi Material

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