Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Mauli Lamhot Simanjuntak

Mauli Lamhot Simanjuntak. 081188830012. Upaya improving SMP Ability Students Solve Math Problems With Applying the theory of Vygotsky And Combination Bruner. Tesis Mathematics Education Program Post-Graduate Studies,State University of Medan.2010.

Research objectives are: (1) to determine whether the increased ability of students to solve mathematical problems by applying the theory of Vygotsky and Bruner, (2) to describe the activities of students in learning math solve problems by applying the theory of Vygotsky and Bruner blend, (3) to describe the level of ability Mathematics teachers in managing learning by applying the unification theory of Vygotsky and Bruner, (4) to study the response of students in solving math problems. The subjects were students of Class VII of SMP Negeri 2 Balige TP 2009/2010.Objek fusion research is the application of Vygotsky and Bruner's theory as an attempt to improve students' abilities to solve mathematical problems and methods to be applied to problems tersebut.Instrumen research to measure the ability students use mathematics to solve problems shaped the description with the number of tests as many as six points with a coefficient realibitas matter, to know the student activity sheets used pengamatan.Untuk know the level of teacher proficiency in learning to use the observation sheet. The research results obtained: (1) Increasing the value of the average results of tests students' ability to solve classical problems of Cycle I to Cycle II for 12.98%, (2) Overall percentage of student activity in each component of learning to solve problems from first cycle to cycle II increased by 3.58%, (3) the ability of teachers in managing learning from Cycle I to Cycle II increased by 0.51, (4) percentage of student responses to learning activities in the first cycle and second cycle menigkat sebasar 2.99%. From the results of data analysis concluded that: (1) unification theory of Vygotsky and Bruner can enhance students 'abilities to solve problems on the subject of comparison, (2) unification theory of Vygotsky and Bruner can increase the activity of students in solving mathematical problems, (3) teachers' ability to manage learning was the good category, (4) students' response to all the learning activities are positive.

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